Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tile for the Bathroom...Take 2

OK-round two. We went to another tile store and we liked their variety much better. The main problem with this bathroom is that we have no idea what we want for it. The shower is white ceramic tile with a royal blue accent tiled stripe. But, the shower curtain really covers the shower and you cannot tell what it is unless it is being used. Therefore, I am not sure if we need to match the floors with the shower or not??? Sami really likes the natural stone look, but I worry that it may clash with the ceramic? So, for the upstairs bathroom:
These greenish tiles are 6x6. We probably like them the best.
We also choose some natural stone. A bluish and a redish. The red is brighter in this picture than in real life and we would do these in 6x6 as well.
OK-these I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!! This would be for the downstairs b-room. I originally wanted to do marble hexagons, but hello $45 a square foot. Then we found some ceramic white hexagons for $5. Much better. But I have to wonder if it would make our bathroom look like a public toilet? Then I found these lovelies. Same idea as the white ceramic hexagons, but a bit more modern and funky at the same time. Of course, they are pricey, but we shall see how sweet I can be to Sami. :)

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