Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just Another Day

I was so busy this past weekend with my weight management training (300 Registered Dietitians for 3 days!) and so very sick that I did not get around to posting anything. That mostly might have to do with the lack of interesting things happening in our lives right now. I am just trying to survive my bouts of puking and nausea (umm, in my second trimester on this Sunday so it should be ending any day now) and poor Sami is just trying to help me stay a float. I have to take a second to give him some major gold stars. He has been amazing! He cooks and cleans up pretty much every night, since I fall apart around 5pm, and he is very empathetic and understanding. He hasn't complained once. I guess I am doing enough of that for the both of us. But anyway, he has been great. It gives me such great hopes for when the baby actually comes...not that I had any doubts that he will be a huge help and a kick ass dada.

Anyway, I am going into work a bit late today, so we walked around the yard, it was about to pour down rain, and snapped a few shots of Bela the acro-cat, some baby asparagus starting to come up, and the chickens. Enjoy!

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