Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bathroom Tile

Since it rained yesterday, Sami and I went to the tile store to check out inventory for our downstairs spare bathroom and the upstairs bathroom. We are waiting to tile out master b-room because we eventually want to remodel it a bit. So, I need help. Picking tile is overwhelming. We ended up finding a few we liked. For the downstairs b-room, I think we are leaning towards white hexagon tile.

For the upstairs we have picked some very different tiles. Sami really likes the rough stone look and I am leaning towards a polished funky fun tile. This will eventually be a kids b-room. (but since there is just a stand up shower, it may be years) The stone tiles are blue, terra-cotta, and a yellow. I think we like the red or blue the best. We will be choosing just one coler, but I lined them up so you could see what each 6x6 tile would look like together. The polished blue/green tiles are 3x3 each and in sheets. Please give me some input.

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