Wednesday, April 15, 2009

30 Birthday Surprise!

Ahhh, the big birthday surprise. For the last 2 weeks Sami has refused to tell me what plans we has on Friday night...the big dirty thirty. I figured it must be dinner and maybe a surprise gift. I never imagined my entire family showing up in NC. After brunch and pedis with the gals I went home and took a cat nap with Sami. Then I began to get ready for "the night". I was frusterated because I didn't know what to wear since I had no idea what we were doing. And, I started to feel a bit sick. I almost said let's scratch the whole night. But we made it out the door. As we entered Carrboro I realized that it was 2nd Friday. A night of art and hors douvres. We pulled into the ArtsCenter I I figured Sami must have bought me some art. However, as we enetered and turned the corner I quickly discovered the entire Wiggans clan plus a few extras. I was in shock, but very excited. After a million hugs we went to Lala and Jessi's to open presents and relax before dinner at Crook's Corner. It was an amazing weekend and full of laughs. Thanks again Mimi, Debi, Mike, Sarah, Laura, Teri, Sam, Jessica, Joe, Christi, Casey, Natalie, Tommi, and Kris. And a huge thanks to Sami!


The tables at Crooks

Mimi...hehehe Christi sneaking in

A bit of after dinner silliness

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