Monday, April 20, 2009

Shakori Hills

PaperHand Puppet Parade

Sami watching Town Mountain Bluegrass

Jess, Laura, Lauren, Fransesca, Carrie, Sami

Lala's new beautiful Mexican Indian Moccasins

Our little baby's beautiful Mexican Indian Moccasins. I couldn't resist. Squeal! (Apologies for the double chin in this shot)

On Sunday, Sami and I headed to Shakori Hills Music Festival for a few hours of good music, good friends, some dancing, and a whole lota hippies. Every time we go, we wish we would have camped. We did camp about 3 years ago and it poured rain the entire time, so I think that has turned us off, but no that we will have a little pumpkin head and a bell tent, we will give it another try.

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