This was a big weekend for garden projects. Sami was busy in the veggie garden planting tomatoes and peppers in the raised beds and pots. And, we finally got around to filling the perennial gardens around the inside perimeter of the veggie garden. Sami cut down some down cedars to line the paths. Now we just have to haul about a ton of mulch to fill the walking paths.
As for the flower beds. I planted some annuals and then used 20 bags of mulch on the flower bed in front of the porch. During this process, I managed to hurt my sciatic nerve in my back. I know, I know, I should take it easy, but it is difficult now that I have finally stopped puking, to sit still.
Bela Pie Butler Grover chilin in the mulch.
Here are also some new flower boxes on the porch. Yes, there are plastic, but the ones I really love are copper and metal and cost $150 each! I cannot justify spending $600 on 4 pots when we have a little one on the way. Or possibly ever.
You have beautiful home!