Thursday, January 14, 2010

Teething...Are We Really There Yet!?

So after about a week of constant drool, runny poos, gnawing at hands, and a constant need to suck, I have come to the conclusion that Bean has begun the teething process. To help her relieve any pain, I went out and purchased these three natural teething rings. Sophie the Giraffe is a French-made natural rubber from the sap of the Hevea tree with food-based paint. The blue fish is made from BPA-free, Phthalates and PVC-free recycled plastic and can be refrigerated, and the green rattle she is sucking on is made from cornstarch.

So far she has been happy to explore them all. With a little practice I think she will really get the hang of hand to mouth control with these new toys. In the meantime, pray for us that the teething period goes alright.

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