Friday, January 22, 2010

New Bouncy Seat

Thanks to my co-worker, Pam who has a 15-month old, we just acquired this bouncy seat that hangs in the doorway. Bean may be a bit too young, but she seemed to like it. hehe It kinda swallows her up.

On another note, for the past 2 nights she has woken up every 2 hours! This is rare since she usually only wakes up 2-3 times a night. Actually, for the past 3 weeks she has done this a few times a week. I basically have to nurse her down (thank God for co-sleeping!) and it has made me feel crazy the past 2 days. Then I just read up in my attachment parenting sleep book and I concluded on one of two reasons for this. It could be her teething bothering her. Or it might be that I have returned to work and she needs Momma time at night. I will have to pay attention and see if her night-waking is on the days that I work. If so, that makes me extra sad to be apart from her. Ahhh, the parenting guilt has begun.

At least it tastes good!

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