Monday, January 4, 2010

Lilia Bean Updates

Since I have been crap lately at updating the blog, I have decided to just add a handful of pictures...mostly of Bean, of course. Mostly since she is the center of our universe and we have not had many house projects or interesting meals recently. Although, there may be some new house happenings in the new future. :)

I also have to comment on the big news of the week. I am returning to work tomorrow! Jessica and Sami will be watching her on Tuesday and Thursdays all day and a half day on Wednesday. Like all working moms, I am terrified and very anxious to leave my precious Bean after 14 weeks off and only leaving her side for maybe 8 hours total. I realize that this balance of work and staying home is almost perfect, especially since her Daddy and Aunt will be watching her at her house. But, I still am very sad to leave her. She is not great at taking the bottle and we have had a few traumatic bottle feedings this week so that is very worrying. I just have to trust that if she is hungry enough she will eat from the bottle. I do have some syringes just in case, and they can always bring her to me...worse case scenario. I am, however, looking forward to her spending some quality alone time with Daddy, a situation we are very fortunate to have. I am hoping this will bring them much closer.
Bean is really working on grasping toys and putting them in her mouth. She is VERY vocal when attempting this and often gets frustrated that she cannot eat the whole toy.
I am usually not into the super cutesy baby clothes, but this pajamas are ridiculous. Ruffle Butt
Last night, post-bath.
Bean gave Daddy some woollen breakfast in his stocking to play with. Here she is posing as "Toast on Beans"
Other huge milestone of the week: Sitting up! The day after we returned from Indy (Dec. 29- 1 week ago) , Bean showed us how much she wanted to practice sitting. Since then, she has really gotten good at pulling up and I have even taken my hands off of her for (only a couple of seconds, but still..) We think she is a genius since this is a skill acquired much later.

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