Sunday, July 12, 2009

Third Trimester has Begun

Well friends, I am now 28 weeks preggers! Seems like I have been pregnant FOREVER. But I guess that is probably normal since I found out so very early (3 weeks after conception). So, we are in for the home stretch. Three more months of just Sami and I in the Butler Grover family. We are doing our best to really spend some quality time together and appreciate each other as we are now, before we become parents. So far so good. I have to say again, that Sami has been such a rock during the last 7 months. He has been so loving, helpful, and supportive. I know he will carry on these qualities into fatherhood.

Here I am at 7 months preggo. I have gained about 14 pound so far, which I feel pretty good about. If I gain the reccommended 1 # per week from now on, I will have gained 24 pounds total. Not bad considering the reccommended weight gain for pregnancy is 25-35 pounds. (sorry my RD skills are kicking in) Lilia is about 2 pounds in that belly and growing every day.

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