Friday, July 31, 2009

Sami the Sweet

Yesterday I arrived home at about 8:30 pm after a LOOOOONNNGGG day at work, then dinner with some friends. Although dinner was nice, I was exhausted. When I walked in the door, Sami had a big crazy grin on his face and instructed me to sit down, hold out my hands, and close my eyes. Then he placed a pretty wrapped box in my hands. "Jewelry" I yelled. I opened the box to find these beauties. The hoops are pewter and the center bead is brass. When I asked why, he simply stated, "Because I love you". So sweet and cute. I was thrilled to have gotten a token of his love...he could have gotten me a weed from the side of the road and I would have loved it just as much (don't tell him that though hehe)Yet another reminder why I love him so much and how happy he makes me.

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