Monday, July 20, 2009

Sami's Eviction

So, this weekend we worked very hard on moving all of the office stuff out of the soon-to-be nursery. We decided to put a table with the printer (it is wireless!) and modem/router in that weird unused middle room upstairs. We moved the bookcase to the opposite wall and hung some pictures. I actually like it much better this way. It seems more used/lived in. Since this room has no windows or really any privacy or doors we chose to put Sami's actual work station in the upstairs guestroom. We put a white desk in the guestroom by the bay window. This way, if we have guests Sami can just move for a coupe of days to the workstation in the middle room. We still have to hang some shelves in Sami's new office, so those pics will be posted shortly.

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