Monday, July 20, 2009

Sami's New Specs

Sami and I had been looking for awhile for new spectacles to replace his older, very scratched, always dirty black rimmed frames. We looked with no luck. Most of what they sell in the shops all look a bit ladylike. So, on our last day in Helsinki, we were commenting on how everyone had such stylish frames. So, in the design district, we popped into a shop and began to droll over all the cool frames available. We decided to take the plunge an purchase not just one pair but two, to take back with us to the States. I told Sami he might as well have 2 that he loved since he wears them everyday of his life. Ya'l know I would have a frame in every color if I had to wear them. Unfortunaty, we did not realize that purchasing 2 frames would mean also paying for 2 of Sami's crazy expensive prescription lenses back in the sates. He needed a very thick frame, the no-glare feature, and the feature that makes the glasses thinner so he doesn't look like he has giant monster eyeballs. So, we had to space getting the prescription so we couls actually afford it. But, alas, he now has two cool specs to choose from. (or to be more realistic, I can choose from)

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