Friday, July 31, 2009

Sami the Sweet

Yesterday I arrived home at about 8:30 pm after a LOOOOONNNGGG day at work, then dinner with some friends. Although dinner was nice, I was exhausted. When I walked in the door, Sami had a big crazy grin on his face and instructed me to sit down, hold out my hands, and close my eyes. Then he placed a pretty wrapped box in my hands. "Jewelry" I yelled. I opened the box to find these beauties. The hoops are pewter and the center bead is brass. When I asked why, he simply stated, "Because I love you". So sweet and cute. I was thrilled to have gotten a token of his love...he could have gotten me a weed from the side of the road and I would have loved it just as much (don't tell him that though hehe)Yet another reminder why I love him so much and how happy he makes me.

Crown Molding

We can now cross another item off the "crazy neurotic, nesting, pregnant lady" list. Our handy friend Ryan came by today to put up the crown molding in the nursery I decided I could not live without. We left Ryan in the house and headed for the grocery and came home to a speedy finished job. Sami proceeded to then make up a little tune with lyrics like..." crown molding crown molding how did we ever live without you, crown molding, keeps men from balding, and now our daughter will not abuse mushrooms, cause she has crown molding...lalallalalala"

Attack of the Giant Killer Vegetables

The pumpkin has actually grown outside and up the garden fence! It is about 12 feet high!

This zucchini is so big, it is actualy called by a different name..a morrow.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Animal Farm

These pictures kinda suck because I took them through a window at dusk. A famiy of deer we about 10 feet from the house. So cute. But STAY AWAY from the gardens!!!

The chickens and the deer had a stand off. The chickens won.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Under Construction

Well, the nursery has been painted a soft neutral color I like to cal creamy beige (AKA White Russian). The baseboards have been painted a crisp white as well. Now we just need to put up crown molding and install the new French closet doors.

A closet packed full of baby crap! Can't wait to set it all up.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Since I ate lunch today at 3:00, I was not ready for dinner at any normal dinner hour. Sami was actually quite pleased because it meant he could make his favorite "Jenni's not eating this meal" dinner. The best part is that it all came from our garden. Sliced new potatoes, sungold tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic, and marjoram. Then he washed it sown with a glass of

Latest Installments

Per my request, Sami got cracking on installing the new fixtures in the downstairs hall bathroom. After we re-tiled it, the gold light and faucet just were not right anymore...not that they ever were! We kinda picked fixtures with an "old-school" look. They fit in perfectly with the new tile. White is the theme of this commode. He just needs to install a new flusher and I need to stop myself from purchasing a pricey but lovely rug from Anthropologie.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sami's Handy

Here are my two favorite boys doing a little plumbing to replace the bathroom faucet. Bela is busy looking for a wrench.

Big Brother...Cat Style

The nursery is still under construction awaiting crown molding and closet doors. But Bela is ready to get his rock on. Amongst the ruble, the rocking chair is sitting in the middle of the room for lack of a better spot. Bela could not wait for the room's order to be restored. He had to take a little cat nap in preparation for many long nights ahead awake with his baby sister.

Our Potato Crop

Sami pulled up the potatoes this weekend. Aren't they beauties!

Sami's Eviction

So, this weekend we worked very hard on moving all of the office stuff out of the soon-to-be nursery. We decided to put a table with the printer (it is wireless!) and modem/router in that weird unused middle room upstairs. We moved the bookcase to the opposite wall and hung some pictures. I actually like it much better this way. It seems more used/lived in. Since this room has no windows or really any privacy or doors we chose to put Sami's actual work station in the upstairs guestroom. We put a white desk in the guestroom by the bay window. This way, if we have guests Sami can just move for a coupe of days to the workstation in the middle room. We still have to hang some shelves in Sami's new office, so those pics will be posted shortly.

Sami's New Specs

Sami and I had been looking for awhile for new spectacles to replace his older, very scratched, always dirty black rimmed frames. We looked with no luck. Most of what they sell in the shops all look a bit ladylike. So, on our last day in Helsinki, we were commenting on how everyone had such stylish frames. So, in the design district, we popped into a shop and began to droll over all the cool frames available. We decided to take the plunge an purchase not just one pair but two, to take back with us to the States. I told Sami he might as well have 2 that he loved since he wears them everyday of his life. Ya'l know I would have a frame in every color if I had to wear them. Unfortunaty, we did not realize that purchasing 2 frames would mean also paying for 2 of Sami's crazy expensive prescription lenses back in the sates. He needed a very thick frame, the no-glare feature, and the feature that makes the glasses thinner so he doesn't look like he has giant monster eyeballs. So, we had to space getting the prescription so we couls actually afford it. But, alas, he now has two cool specs to choose from. (or to be more realistic, I can choose from)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby's 1st Outfit

Here is a little preview of the baby's first outfit. It is 100% organic, of course. Since I recently saw all of the outfits me and my sisters came home from the hospital in, I decided I wanted something special for our baby as well. Hopefully she will not immediately puke or poo on it and actually make it home in the adorable ensemble.

The Garden Loved the Rain

It finally rained after about a month of dry humid weather. The garden really loved it.
The view from the driveway.
Here is a well neglected, overgrown with grass, flower garden that runs along the length of the driveway. That's what happens when you combine pregnancy, hot weather, and 6 acres to keep up with. Maybe I'll get around to it next year.

Sunflowers, zinnias, and nasturtiums.
Attack of the killer squash!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Third Trimester has Begun

Well friends, I am now 28 weeks preggers! Seems like I have been pregnant FOREVER. But I guess that is probably normal since I found out so very early (3 weeks after conception). So, we are in for the home stretch. Three more months of just Sami and I in the Butler Grover family. We are doing our best to really spend some quality time together and appreciate each other as we are now, before we become parents. So far so good. I have to say again, that Sami has been such a rock during the last 7 months. He has been so loving, helpful, and supportive. I know he will carry on these qualities into fatherhood.

Here I am at 7 months preggo. I have gained about 14 pound so far, which I feel pretty good about. If I gain the reccommended 1 # per week from now on, I will have gained 24 pounds total. Not bad considering the reccommended weight gain for pregnancy is 25-35 pounds. (sorry my RD skills are kicking in) Lilia is about 2 pounds in that belly and growing every day.

Trip to Indy

Here are some shots of our recent trip to Indianapolis. Baby shower pics will be coming soon.
Lala and I took Marmi out for a belated Mother's Day lunch at Cafe Patachou. We also hit up several baby stores while we were out. I might have made just a couple of purchases. hehe
We headed to Amanda and Stefan's house on Friday night, July 3rd to hang out with them and Jenny and JP. JP and Sami were super best buds on this evening! Hilarious.
Girlfriends. Amanda, me, and Jenny.
JP looking very Miami Vice.
Stefan spun for us this night. So many great tunes, he is one talented DJ. Here is Sami idolizing him and his amazing abilities.

Lala's Latest

Here is Laura's latest addition to her permanent body art. A tomato slice (kinda looks like a kiwi to me). Her favorite veggie is tomato, so the tattoo is a tribute.

Chickens love the Compost

Our compost piles are looking good these days. Special thanks to the chickens who keep it moving and keep it filled with poo.

Bathroom Tile is Done!!!

Thanks to Ryan and Sami, the downstairs bathroom tile floor is finished. They both did a great job! It is lovely, peaceful, and clean. Now, we just have to replace the gold fixtures and I might paint the walls, but haven't decided yet. I'll put that at the bottom of our 2 page list. :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

1979 Flashback

Here are some baby clothes (a very small portion on the giant black trashbag my mom gave us) that I wore back in the day. Will our baby be retro or what!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Finland pics....thanks Tommi

Some more Finland Pics

Helsinki Market
Tommi and Jenni
Lovely lake and sunset