Saturday, September 26, 2009

Amazing Bread

Sami and I had a great morning. We went to the farmer's market and got some bok choi, lovely flowers, spiced figs, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and some cheese hot dogs (for my Dad when he comes). Then we headed to Johnny's to get some delicious local food crepes. I got a fried herbed egg, caramelized onion, cheese, and veggie sausage, and Sami got a raspberry preserve, banana, and chocolate. It was fun to sit outside and watch the children play. They have a great little school farmer's market there and we purchased these beautiful breads. They are made in a large clay oven in the baker's backyard. The one on the left is made from spent grains from Carolina Brewery and the other is filled with local goat cheese and tomatoes. Yummy! Then we had our first nanny interview. it went very well. Now back at home. Sami is winterizing the garden a bit. Planting fall green, garlic, carrots, and onions. I may work on putting CDs on the iPod.

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