Monday, September 21, 2009

38 weeks Preggers

Well friends, the countdown has begun. I have 2 weeks left until my due date, but could technically delivery at any time now. The baby is fully engaged at this point, which means she has "dropped" or has gotten in position. Here head is resting at my cervix. One nice thing is that I no longer have heartburn! Yippie. However, a new batch of symptoms have taken it's place. We were told the baby was engaged at 35 weeks, then on Friday the midwife told us the baby usually come within 3-4 weeks of being engaged. So, that could mean anytime now. She also told us she thought I would go into labor around my due date, so who really knows??? We just hope to make it through this week for reasons involving stuff at my work. So, please keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep my legs crossed. :)

The henna is fading and now the belly just looks dirty.
The staple black pants that I have worn pretty much everyday the last 2 weeks. I think I'll finish out the pregnancy with them as well.

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