Saturday, September 26, 2009

39 Week Update

So, we are feeling quite ready to meet little Lilia Maven Grover at this point. The list has been checked off and we are semi-patiently waiting her arrival. I must admit that I am soooo ready to give birth and be done being pregnant. I can see why women are so miserable the last month or so. Here is a fun list of symptoms: difficulty sleeping (not fun considering this will also be the whole next year of my life). I actually have to sit up to turn over at this point. Back pain everyday. She is engaged, which means sitting at zero position on my cervix (as low as possible without actually coming through the birth canal) so when she moves she hits a nerve which shoots pain down my leg making it very difficult to walk. Also, this chick is posterier right now, so fingers crossed that she will turn the right way soon. (lots of yoga recently to try to promote this) And some fun contractions that are getting my body ready for birth, but not the most pleasant feeling in the world.

I know all these complaints will be well worth the end result. I am overjoyed and so very excited to see what she looks like and begin my journey into motherhood.

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