Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby Blanket from Mummi

Lilia's baby blanket arrived from England a couple of days ago. It is handmade from her loving grandmother a.k.a Mummi. Pronounced moom-me....kind of. We love it and it even smells like the Grover's house in England!

Amazing Bread

Sami and I had a great morning. We went to the farmer's market and got some bok choi, lovely flowers, spiced figs, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and some cheese hot dogs (for my Dad when he comes). Then we headed to Johnny's to get some delicious local food crepes. I got a fried herbed egg, caramelized onion, cheese, and veggie sausage, and Sami got a raspberry preserve, banana, and chocolate. It was fun to sit outside and watch the children play. They have a great little school farmer's market there and we purchased these beautiful breads. They are made in a large clay oven in the baker's backyard. The one on the left is made from spent grains from Carolina Brewery and the other is filled with local goat cheese and tomatoes. Yummy! Then we had our first nanny interview. it went very well. Now back at home. Sami is winterizing the garden a bit. Planting fall green, garlic, carrots, and onions. I may work on putting CDs on the iPod.

39 Week Update

So, we are feeling quite ready to meet little Lilia Maven Grover at this point. The list has been checked off and we are semi-patiently waiting her arrival. I must admit that I am soooo ready to give birth and be done being pregnant. I can see why women are so miserable the last month or so. Here is a fun list of symptoms: difficulty sleeping (not fun considering this will also be the whole next year of my life). I actually have to sit up to turn over at this point. Back pain everyday. She is engaged, which means sitting at zero position on my cervix (as low as possible without actually coming through the birth canal) so when she moves she hits a nerve which shoots pain down my leg making it very difficult to walk. Also, this chick is posterier right now, so fingers crossed that she will turn the right way soon. (lots of yoga recently to try to promote this) And some fun contractions that are getting my body ready for birth, but not the most pleasant feeling in the world.

I know all these complaints will be well worth the end result. I am overjoyed and so very excited to see what she looks like and begin my journey into motherhood.

Monday, September 21, 2009

38 weeks Preggers

Well friends, the countdown has begun. I have 2 weeks left until my due date, but could technically delivery at any time now. The baby is fully engaged at this point, which means she has "dropped" or has gotten in position. Here head is resting at my cervix. One nice thing is that I no longer have heartburn! Yippie. However, a new batch of symptoms have taken it's place. We were told the baby was engaged at 35 weeks, then on Friday the midwife told us the baby usually come within 3-4 weeks of being engaged. So, that could mean anytime now. She also told us she thought I would go into labor around my due date, so who really knows??? We just hope to make it through this week for reasons involving stuff at my work. So, please keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep my legs crossed. :)

The henna is fading and now the belly just looks dirty.
The staple black pants that I have worn pretty much everyday the last 2 weeks. I think I'll finish out the pregnancy with them as well.

Beautiful Herbal Labor Kit

I just wanted to display this beautiful and amazing herbal birth gift from the ladies at Herb Haven. I created an herbal labor kit (some of it borrowed from Amy) with labor herbs and homeopathics to take with m,e to the birth. I had asked the ladies at Herb Haven to help me create a few additions and they gave it to me last week. It was filled with: nipple cream, a labor massage lotion, labor tea which I have made into ice cubes, mama's milk tea to help bring in my milk after birth, Cloud 9 tea to help me sleep after the baby is here, a baby bath, and a labor and delivery tincture.

Welcome Kitten!

This is the latest addition to our little chicken family, Kitten. Laura and Jess had a recent string of unfortunate chicken deaths and this was the lone survivor. Kitten did not want to live alone, so she packed up her bags and moved to the country. She is still getting used to the coop and the other ladies. So far, they are all a little unsure of each other.

An introduction.
The ladies are checking her out.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bela Chillin'

Ahh, the life of a cat. Couldn't resist putting this picture up of Bela sleeping in the hammock yesterday. I have been a little slack in the blog lately, but we are super busy preparing for baby's arrival. Also, I got Sami and iPod for his b-day and I am trying to program it in time for his b-day. Takes me a bit to learn new technology. Not too much else is new these days. I am 37 weeks now, which is term,. That means I now have a 5 week window to deliver at the Birth Center. If there is no action by Oct 1st, I may begin to bust out all of the labor initiator tricks I know.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beautiful Blessingway

My blessingway was this past Sunday. Sarah, Laura, Jess, and Teri helped to organize and execute a beautiful gathering to celebrate my future motherhood and new baby. Here are some pictures of the event.
Group shot of friends
Little Adjoa helping with gifts
Yummy food was served. Pasta salad, tomato pie, mushroom quiche, cheese and crackers, hummus and veggies, and Sangria.
Here is the cake. Literally a baby shower.
Relaxing before the party.
Getting ready.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Henna on the Belly

At the Blessingway, all of my lovely friends contributed some Henna designs to decorate the belly. It was difficult to sit still for that long, but well worth the wait.

Right after scrapping it off.
The final product!

Sami is Practicing

Sami has been busy practicing with Bela and the sling. Bela actually kinda loves it!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Indy Baby Shower

eI just received some great pictures from our baby shower on July 4th in Indianapolis. Jenny and Mom threw us the shower for Indy friends and family. It was a blast!
I was about 7 months at this point.
Sauve, JP, Stefan, Amanda, Walters, Sami and I
Christi and Mimi with some vino
Casey, Natalie, and Laura
JP in his classic red attire and Sami
Ahhh, my ladies
The parents, me, and their unborn grandbaby
1920s shot of the friends
Lovely Amanda and Stefan
Sami and I displaying some gifts. We have about 8 baby towles at this point!
Dad, Joe, and Christi
Two of my favorite people...Jenny and Steve
Ranchburgers...did you boys plan those outfits??
Jo Lynn, Casey, Natalie, Lala...cousins!
Christi and Auntie Mart

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good Husband

This is shout-out post for Sami the Great! Last night, after making dinner, I said, "Doesn't chocolate cake sound good?" He answered yes, and without pause went all the way to Weaver Street to get his very pregnant wife some delicious chocolate raspberry cake! What a sweetie! He has learned so he got himself another desert.

On another note, I haven't slept well for days and I think I can officially be classified as a walking zombie. I hope my clients do not suffer too much due to my state. The kid is getting some coffee this morning!