Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Little Baby Girl

So here she is. Who does she look like? :)

So just wanted to share the story of how we discovered the sex of our baby. As many of you probably know, I REALLY REALLY wanted a baby girl. So bad that sometimes my teeth hurt. I wanted a girl so badly that I felt very discouraged when I thought about raising a boy. Then I thought about having 2 boys and never having the chance to share things with a daughter and I was almost beside myself with fear and grief. This probably sounds terrible, I know. Talk about starting off being a bad mom before the baby even enters the world, but I could not help my feelings and emotions. I even discussed these feelings with a friend who is a pshyco-therapist. I did however, pretty much convince myself that I was having a boy. My entire family thought it was a boy, my cranial sacral therapist got boy energy, and the pendulum predicted boy. I think I even convinced Sami it was a boy.

Anyway, the day finally came for the ultrasound. We headed to UNC Hospital and waited in several lines before entering the ultrasound room. The second she hit the screen we were in love. She is super active right now and was moving all over the place. Her head is normal size, for now, and we hope that she doesn't inherit Sami's head size (at least until out of the womb). We saw and heard her heart beating 140beats per minute, saw her stomach and kidneys and the blood flowing through her body. We requested that the sex remain a mystery to us and the ultrasound tech put it in an envelope for us to look at later. So, when it was time to check out the legs and abdomen, she asked us to look away. She noticed the sex immediatly and printed out the picture. She put it in a sealed envelope and we headed out. I will admit that after we saw the baby I actually felt great about having a boy. I thought to myself, "I love this baby and having a boy would be amazing! Thank God! Bad mom vibes had left my brain. We took the envelope to Cafe Driade, got a beverage, and headed to the outdoor wooded seating, which is beautiful, private, and peaceful. I asked Sami to look in the envelope. He opened it slowly and had a perfect poker face. Then he said, "it is weird, it is very weird". Then he told me we were having a girl and I flipped out. I was in disbelief, shock, and pure joy. I screamed, cried, and kissed my baby daddy. Then we took a moment to let it sink in and talk about pink nurseries for awhile, then started calling family and friends. And that is that. I am still a bit in shock since I was so determined we were having a boy, but so excited about Sami's abundant xxx chromosomes.

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