Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sitting With Baby

Bean's latest love is for sitting and standing a million times on stools. This was my stool made by my great grandfather and has the letter J on the front. It converts from a step stool to a chair. She is also very into her baby dolls. As a joke, I received a potty doll for my 30th bday when I was 4 months preggo. I decided to bust it out awhile ago (remember the bottle?) and she has recently fallen for her. She loves to feed her, kiss her, and carry her around and up and down the stairs. Every time she picks up this baby, she grunts since it is a little heavy for her. I decided to get her a smaller baby which will be featured later I am sure. Below are some pics of her trying to sit on the stool with the baby in her lap. Very silly business.

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