Tuesday, November 30, 2010

14 Month Old Toddler Moment

Bean is 14 months old today. Time flies. I ordered a few 25 minute kiddie shows today for our 10 hour car journey to Indy for Christmas. Blues Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba (ps- I love this show), and Olivia. I had to do some dishes so I figured I would try one out. She plopped right down on a pillow and was loving Blues Clues. She looked like such a toddler with her sippy cup and bowl of O's. I almost cried.

Grover's Black Gold

Sami has been obsessed with the compost again. Lots of coffee, boy pee, and horse poo has been loaded in. Sami reports the compost is getting hot. When asked how he knew this he reported, "I stuck my hand in"! Gross.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guatemalan Baby

Thanksgiving in Rhode Island

This year we visited Sarah and Kris in RI for Thanksgiving. Between going to Indy and then RI, we traveled to Cleveland three times in one week. The travel was rough (although Bean was an angel), but the visit was great. We had organic turkey, Mimi's mashed potatoes, stuffing, turnips, pearled onions in cream, green bean casserole, carrots in tahini dressing, squash pie, and pumpkin cheesecake. We also got to meet the fin-laws (fake in-laws) which was a treat.
Sarah cooking some tasty sweet potato fries
Bean's RI bathtub
By the sea
On a Thanksgiving day walk

The Children's Museum in Rhode Island

On Friday, we went to the RI Children's Museum. It was, to date, the best one we have seen so far. It was full of nature, science, and good fun.
Of course, Bean loved the water works exhibit
In a tree trunk in Little Woods
" I am a Beaver"

We also checked out a local park in Newport

Joel and Laura's Wedding

The weekend before Thanksgiving, we went to Indy to attend a friend's wedding. It was good to see everyone and we had a blast. The reception was at the Fountain Square Theater.

Amanda and Stefan bring a little fun from home.
Cooper and Jill are also newlyweds
The Mod Squad minus a few

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Stairs

We call the stairs Homebase, because this is where Bean loves to play, put her toys, and constantly climb up and down....all day long.

Trying to pull her pink car up the stairs!!! Help me!

Yes, I know this is sideways. I forgot to edit before uploading.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sitting With Baby

Bean's latest love is for sitting and standing a million times on stools. This was my stool made by my great grandfather and has the letter J on the front. It converts from a step stool to a chair. She is also very into her baby dolls. As a joke, I received a potty doll for my 30th bday when I was 4 months preggo. I decided to bust it out awhile ago (remember the bottle?) and she has recently fallen for her. She loves to feed her, kiss her, and carry her around and up and down the stairs. Every time she picks up this baby, she grunts since it is a little heavy for her. I decided to get her a smaller baby which will be featured later I am sure. Below are some pics of her trying to sit on the stool with the baby in her lap. Very silly business.

Wall Hooks

I got tired of looking at the pile of coats and bags thrown over the kitchen chairs, so I decided it was time for some wall hooks. I LOVE these striped porcelain beauties.

Friday, November 12, 2010

DIY Bathroom Stool

I saw a tutorial for a DIY stool on a Sewing blog I enjoy and decided to give it a try. I found this stool at Target for $10. I found some very sweet paper at a soda shop in Durham and simply Mod Podged it to the top of the stool.

Bean is already obsessed with sitting on it and putting toys on it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fair Trade Cuteness

I am not responsible for any major injuries if you fall off your chair at the pure cuteness of this picture. I picked up this fair trade South American hat at a world trade market. I am dying from the preciousness.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Days

These lovely shots are taken on our walk today in the neighborhood.

Happt Belated Halloween

I wanted Bean to be a potato since we were in England for Halloween, but I could not get to the costume in time. Instead she was a fairy princess because I found it second hand for $6.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Love

Friends in London

On our trip to London, we visiting Sugg and Filipe and also got the pleasure of seeing Dancing Dan. This was a very different trip to London than we are used to. This time we toured the many beautiful green spaces, playgrounds, and kid-friendly venues.
Dancing Dan and Bean the Mexican wrestler, aka El Poopaloto
Bean and her new British BF, Reuben
Bean's first pub lunch
Exploring at the National Science Museum

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The Cholera" and Missing Computer

I realize the blog has been MIA lately. I will be posting new stuff in the next few days. Here is why:

So, during the last week of our England trip we all got very sick. We are referring to is as "the cholera". I will spare everyone the gory details, but let's just say many bodily fluids were lost. Thanks to the help of my now sick in-laws (sorry parents!), we all survived, but missed out on some crucial vacation time.

Then, at Newark airport on the way back to the states, someone (yes, you know who you are) "misplaced" my computer. I thank my lucky stars that it turned up in the airport's lost and found and was returned to me today. After a huge panic about loosing all of Bean's baby pics, I will be backing up tonight.