Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bean Updates

We have been very busy at the Grover abode. My parents were just here for their 2nd baby visit. We had a great time with all the grandparents together. Marjukka, mom, and I went to the mall on Friday. I had been looking forward to this for several weeks now. It is amazing what a little post preggo shopping trip can do. It was so nice to avoid maternity stores and shop in my regular old favorites (it has been almost a year since I could do that!!!) And I discovered how dangerous some of these baby clothing stores are. I should stay away, but I cannot help to want my Bean to look very fashionable.
Lilis is working on smiling. She smiles about 10 times a day now, but usually during sleep or breastfeeding. I think she is working on her smile muscles so she can wow us with a big one that is real. Her fussy time has quieted down a lot and she is very alert these days. She follows sound and movement very well. Below are some pics of her and Dada. He discovered that she loves watching his fingers move. He tells her it is practice for when she experiments in her teenage years. i say, let's not put any ideas in her head.
Bean totally zoned out on the tracers.
DAD! Don't stop moving or I'll scream.

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