Monday, November 30, 2009

The Glider

Thanks to Sami's dad, the glider is finished about 3 years earlier then we ever anticipated! It is a shiny, polished, very bright blue. When I find the time, haha, I will make some pillows to mellow out the color a bit. It is a dream to glide on the front porch, and we officially feel southern.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Bottle and The Bean

After about 13 tries, Lilia finally accepted the bottle today. Her past refusal has really given me much to worry about, since I will be returning to work in about 6 weeks. I was worried that our nanny would be spoon feeding our child breast milk. But thank goodness, she has taken it at last.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Such a Lady

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Crazy Bean

Last night, Lilia slept for two 5 hour stretches. Thanks Bean! Mama really needed that one. So this morning she was so excited to be awake at 6am, she did not even care to eat. She really wanted to look around and take in all she missed through the night's slumbers. She was staring intently at the light coming through the bedroom curtains and getting VERY excited. She was talking and kicking and moving her arms like crazy. We thought it was pretty funny.
"What is that lovely light coming through the window?"
"It is soooo cool, I am going to kick my legs like crazy"
"Whoao, I'm dancing to the light"
"I am also going to punch Dada in the face about 100 times because I am sooo excited!"

Boots and Tights Weather

Hey all. It has been awhile. I must admit the blog is not my biggest priority these days (not that it ever was) and I am finding it a bit difficult to keep up with. No worries though, I will continue to post as I am able. I also do promise to include posts other than on my precious Lilia Maven, but she is pretty great and I cannot resist posting her happening and pics, although she basically the center of our universe right now. :) We have been very busy hanging with Sami's parents. They are helping with some big projects (to be posted when complete) around the house and enjoying time with their grand-bean. I have been loving the recent weather. Beautiful sunny days with a bit of chill in the air. Excited to bust out my tights and boots.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bean Updates

We have been very busy at the Grover abode. My parents were just here for their 2nd baby visit. We had a great time with all the grandparents together. Marjukka, mom, and I went to the mall on Friday. I had been looking forward to this for several weeks now. It is amazing what a little post preggo shopping trip can do. It was so nice to avoid maternity stores and shop in my regular old favorites (it has been almost a year since I could do that!!!) And I discovered how dangerous some of these baby clothing stores are. I should stay away, but I cannot help to want my Bean to look very fashionable.
Lilis is working on smiling. She smiles about 10 times a day now, but usually during sleep or breastfeeding. I think she is working on her smile muscles so she can wow us with a big one that is real. Her fussy time has quieted down a lot and she is very alert these days. She follows sound and movement very well. Below are some pics of her and Dada. He discovered that she loves watching his fingers move. He tells her it is practice for when she experiments in her teenage years. i say, let's not put any ideas in her head.
Bean totally zoned out on the tracers.
DAD! Don't stop moving or I'll scream.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

We headed to Rachel and Edward's for a Halloween gathering with friends. It was great to see all the kids dressed up. Lilia dressed up as a purple flower...for about 5 minutes. She basically hated it, but we all loved it.
"Daddy I look stupid!"
Charlie Ann was a pixie, Walker a T-Rex, and Aubrey was Pochahontas.
Walker enjoying a conversation with the baby.

Amazing Pumpkin Carvings

After hanging at Rachel and Edward's we all ventured to the Bynum Bridge (over the Haw River). The bridge is lined with about 100 carved jack0o-lanterns. We took some pictures, but some of our favorites did not show up on the camera so well.

Loving the Sling

This kid LOVES her sling. When she has fussy time, we usually take her on a walk in the fresh air and in the sling. It calms her and she loves being so warm and near us.