Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So yesterday I experienced a fun new 3rd trimester symptom, Braxton-Hicks contractions. It was a weird day from start to finish. I got up at my usual time for a work day and felt very dizzy and nauseous while in the shower. I decided I needed to lie back down for 45 minutes to try to feel "normal" again. I felt a bit better after waking up and headed to work. I had a morning full of clients, then I took a 15 minute walk at lunch. It was blazing hot and I kept having a tingling feeling in my extremities. I had to sit down on 3 random porches in Hillsborough in order to make it back to work. Then, I noticed a strange tightening in my uterus. This is probably a feeling that I have had before, but not for so long. The Braxton-Hicks ( I had to call Sarah to look them up) are pretty normal at this stage and will progress through the remander of the pregnancy. They are my body's way of getting ready and strengthining my uterus for birth. They pretty much lasted the rest of the afternoon and into the night. The were not painful, but did worry me a bit since they are a fairly new experience. Anyway, my body was able to relax some during the night. For awhile there, my belly was in a permanent pointed position from the contractions. Weird! The belly feels a little less tight today, although I have noticed some of the tightening.
Ahhhh, about 6 1/2 more weeks of fun-filled uncomfortableness. Yippy!

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