Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lilia's First Day of School

Today marks Bean's first day of pre-school. I have been anticipating this moment for months now. I truly have mixed feelings about it all. On one hand we chose to do this to allow her to become socialized with other kids her age and we love the philosophy of the school. We knew she would do things there that she would never do at home. Also, it gives mama a break to work, get ready for baby, and then once baby arrives sleep???? haha
On the other hand, she is so tiny, the school is pricey, and i already miss her.
When we dropped her off this morning, she jumped right in and was full of smiles. As soon as the door closed, the water works came. I decided to stay an extra 10 minutes or so and peek in through the door. She was doing great.
Here are some 1st day pics.
World's tiniest sink and potty. She loves them.
Kitchen in the Star House

Bean with Owly (her lunchbox) right before heading out.

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