Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lilia's First Day of School

Today marks Bean's first day of pre-school. I have been anticipating this moment for months now. I truly have mixed feelings about it all. On one hand we chose to do this to allow her to become socialized with other kids her age and we love the philosophy of the school. We knew she would do things there that she would never do at home. Also, it gives mama a break to work, get ready for baby, and then once baby arrives sleep???? haha
On the other hand, she is so tiny, the school is pricey, and i already miss her.
When we dropped her off this morning, she jumped right in and was full of smiles. As soon as the door closed, the water works came. I decided to stay an extra 10 minutes or so and peek in through the door. She was doing great.
Here are some 1st day pics.
World's tiniest sink and potty. She loves them.
Kitchen in the Star House

Bean with Owly (her lunchbox) right before heading out.

27 Weeks

I actually measured on track last week at my appointment. Even though my weight is higher, I guess the belly is the right size.

Cell in the Car

On the way home from yoga, Lilia played with this little remote (it talks and sings, etc) and pretended it was a cell phone. Here is the convo she was having...
"ello. Bristol, Bela, back home. OK!"
"ello. Daddy at work back home. OK!"
"ello. School tiny potty. OK!"

This lasted about 15 minutes. hehehehe

Hanging With the Aunts and Funcles

Thursday, August 18, 2011

26 Weeks

26 weeks today and still large and in charge. I have a birth center appointment tomorrow and my glucose intolerance test. My guess is that I will be measuring ahead of schedule, but I will report back on how it all goes. :)


Lately Bean has been all about crafting..drawing, painting, coloring, glueing. This is a little project/gift for the grandparents.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Living Room Rug

We knew we wanted to get a rug for Lilia's new room, but then I had a genious idea to use the rug in our room for her. The colors are perfect and this way we could finally replace the scratchy living room rug instead.
Old living room rug
New smaller and softer rug
New bedroom rug
Old (and too small) bedroom rug...soon to be Lilia's bedroom rug

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lilia's New Room Sneak Peak

We have been busy with our last BIG pre-baby project. Lilia's new big girl room. We would really like to have it set up and finished at least a month (hopefully a little more) before new baby comes. Lilia will probably still sleep in the nursery, but we will need to move the bulk of her clothes and toys to make room for the little lady. Also, we really want her to have a sense of space that is all her own before her world gets rocked.

Re-designing a room from minimal guest room to little girl's room is a much bigger project than I expected. Maybe that is because I am obsessed with making every detail special and fun. Anyway here is a very small view into what we are working on. The walls will be a very light green called Seafoam. The colors will be yellow, turquoise with hints of orange and pink.
Here are some of the fabrics so far. The yellow is her bedspread, the blue are the curtains, and the yellow with pink flowers is the fabric for the window seat. (making that today) Then I have several pillows (picked out, but still need to purchase) to fill the seat as well.
We have primed the walls from blue to white and bought the dresser and bookcase from Craigslist. They will be primed today. The drawers are from the dresser (circa 1920's and not in this pic) and the bookcase sits on that cabinet on the right. Very cute. I think we will paint the dresser and side table white (already purchased some fun knobs from Anthropologie) and the bookcase turquoise.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

6 Months Baby!

Adeline Mae
So here I am at 24 weeks (although I look 34 weeks!). A little scary how my third trimester will go if weight gain continues. I hope to maintain where I am at for several weeks. :) Things are pretty ok. Still having some sciatic pain, but the chiropractor has really helped. My energy is good on the morning then decreases by the end of the day. Lots of kicks and movement. I actually saw the baby kick me last night. Weird!
Lilia Maven
Here is a pic of my much smaller 6 month belly during my first pregnancy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Marmite aka Gross

Apparently my kid truly has a British side since she loves Marmite.

Daily Breakfast

So I suck at food photography. This has been my morning staple for a few weeks now. One slice of whole wheat toast, a little cream cheese, spinach, and 2 poached eggs. However, I am so huge that I am starting to feel way too full after this meal. Really!??

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lilia's Laptop

So we went to Target today to pick up a few randoms, and I ventured into the toy isle. I was specifically looking for a dry erase board, but another toddler was playing with this laptop. Of course, Bean wanted to as well. I let her, then as I walked away she proceeded to throw a huge screaming fit. So, yes, I caved. I bought it for her (it was only $20). I got it home and discovered its awesomeness. I was able to set it up with my computer to personalize emails and put in her name. It plays different songs and teaches letters and animals. It is kind of amazing and clearly she loves it!