Thursday, July 28, 2011

23 Weeks

So here I am at 23 weeks. I have gained a total of 20 pounds! Holy #@$%! Seems like a lot to me. I am hoping to keep my total around 30 like I did with Bean, but I sure have a long way to go till this baby's birthday. I have been feeling pretty good. I have more energy lately (even though I cannot sleep). I have also started going to regular chiropratic appointments. This has helped tremendously with my sciatic pain and from what I gather may help speed labor as well. I'll take it.
Other baby news: My friend Liz had her son, Jasper this week, and my dear friend Jenny is having her c-section today. I have waited for this day for 15 years. I am so excited for Jenny to become a mother because I know this is one place she will surely shine. Cannot wait to meet little Cole.

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