Friday, July 29, 2011

New Baby Boy

Welcome little Robert Cole. (Going by Cole) Good job Jenny and JP!


Lilia and I were on our own yesterday from 8am til bedtime so I had lots of activities planned. I told her we would make cookies after nap, so of course, first thing she said upon waking was "Cookies now Mama!" Little stinker.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Nest

I recently purchased this giant maternity pillow in hopes it may help with sleep. It kinda does. But, Bean also loves it. I let her watch Little Bear a couple times a week (on at 7:30am) when I need a blog fix or when I am starving and want to eat my entire breakfast instead of sharing half with my little scavenger. She loves playing "sleep" in the nest.

23 Weeks

So here I am at 23 weeks. I have gained a total of 20 pounds! Holy #@$%! Seems like a lot to me. I am hoping to keep my total around 30 like I did with Bean, but I sure have a long way to go till this baby's birthday. I have been feeling pretty good. I have more energy lately (even though I cannot sleep). I have also started going to regular chiropratic appointments. This has helped tremendously with my sciatic pain and from what I gather may help speed labor as well. I'll take it.
Other baby news: My friend Liz had her son, Jasper this week, and my dear friend Jenny is having her c-section today. I have waited for this day for 15 years. I am so excited for Jenny to become a mother because I know this is one place she will surely shine. Cannot wait to meet little Cole.

What's Cookin

Bean recently discovered aprons. When she wants to put one on, we all have to put one om.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yesterday a ginormous tree limb fell in the middle of the day. No wind, no storm, and the tree is alive. It was a bit scary and we were glad to all be inside. It did manage to crush the satellite and miss the jetta by 2 feet. Our friends Al and Cami came by and Al brought his chainsaw. Sami busted out his chainsaw pants and tried it out. Og course, I had to document Sami's first chainsaw event. hehehe

Sarah and Kris Visit

Giant baby belly shot
The Winiarskis
More bubbles

We headed to Saxapawhaw on Saturday for some bluegrass, bubbles, food truck dinner, and fun.

No No Potty Book

We are in full swing potty training mode. Bean pees in the potty, but no#2 yet. She calls this book the No No Potty book and reads it along with us. Very cute!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th...At Home

This is how we spent our July 4th this year. Sami finally caught the summer cold Bean and I had and felt BAD! And it poured down rain. So we ate pizza and played inside. Bean loves (me too) our new and improved closet and is able to access all of my shoes for her enjoyment. She did this all by herself. hehe Yes, I have come to terms that I have a girly girl.

More Indy Pics

Indianapolis Zoo

I have been really slack at this blog of late and have gotten yelled at by various family members. Sorry ya'll. I will try to be better at updates. We have just been very busy with work, projects, vacations, gardens, summer fun, and my personal exhaustion (which is much worse with a toddler to chase). We recently returned from a trip to Indy to see Marmi and Papa. Sarah (rarah) and Lala came as well and we got to go wedding dress shopping for Sarah. Yippie!!!! It was a very nice break away from our daily grind and fun to spend some time with family. Here are some pics from our zoo trip.

Outside the pork-a-ine cage