Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bean's New Ride

Yesterday, Bean and I went into town to run a couple errands and hit the playground. We took a walk and passed a childrens consignment shop and saw this pimped out vehicle in the lot. Since Bean has been very into her music class car song "Vroom Vroom Driving in my Car" and even does the hand motions (turning the wheel and putting on the brakes, etc.) she about flipped her lid when she spotted this beauty. So, now she is the proud owner of this giant plastic car. I have to admit I am not a huge fan of the mass amounts of pointless plastic baby crap out there and prefer natural toys or just good old fashioned imagination and creative play, but sometimes Bean makes me do it. The only reason this huge plastic car has joined our family is because it is 2nd hand. Now our yard is beginning to look a little white trash. Now we just need a couch on the porch.

Welcome to the lot baby

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