Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Deer Fence has Arrived

After spending so much time and money on our beloved plants, it has been devastating to see them chewed to the nubs by the deer. (Kris this is when we need you!) We finally decided to invest in a deer fence. The fence encloses about 11/2 acres of our property around the house. In most places it blends in nicely with the woods and cannot be seen.

Also, instead of boring old metal gates, we decided to get local artistic carpenter to create his well-known gates for us. So far, the two smaller gates have been completed. He still needs to create and build the large gate that will open on the driveway. I thought I would go ahead and share what we have so far.
This gate leads to the creek and will keep deer out and babies away from the water.
This fence is at the back of the yard near the chicken coop and swings.
Close-upDeer fence material

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