Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Deer Fence has Arrived

After spending so much time and money on our beloved plants, it has been devastating to see them chewed to the nubs by the deer. (Kris this is when we need you!) We finally decided to invest in a deer fence. The fence encloses about 11/2 acres of our property around the house. In most places it blends in nicely with the woods and cannot be seen.

Also, instead of boring old metal gates, we decided to get local artistic carpenter to create his well-known gates for us. So far, the two smaller gates have been completed. He still needs to create and build the large gate that will open on the driveway. I thought I would go ahead and share what we have so far.
This gate leads to the creek and will keep deer out and babies away from the water.
This fence is at the back of the yard near the chicken coop and swings.
Close-upDeer fence material

Friday, July 30, 2010

10 Months Today

Bean is getting to be such a big girl. Pulling up on everything, getting into everything, pointing, mimicking, waving, talking (said Daddy the other day), walking around things, sleeping better....
Look at her sitting at ther table and playing with the Pets puzzle. She was trying to make the animal sounds. heehe

Monday, July 26, 2010

Smallest Chicken Egg Ever!

Our new chicken, Eunice, lays normal sized green eggs. However, today I found this teeny tiny green egg. What the heck. Lala and I cracked it open and it had the smallest yolk. heheh


Guess who. Almost 8 months old. I hope she doesn't inherent his hair follicles.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Roasted Roots

Bean just ate this lovely root medley for dinner. Rosemary roasted carrots, squash, and sweet potato with chickpeas and groats. Delish

Bountiful Harvest

Tomatoes, sun-golds, chard, acorn and butternut squash, onion, banana peppers, jalapenos, and a giant zucchini (or window's pleasure). And some zinnias. Thanks Garden!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Very excited to get in the bath.

Holy Tofu on the Floor

We have been trying to encourage Bean to pick up food and put it in her own mouth. She has gotten very lazy and has learned that if she sits long enough we will simply place it in her mouth. Despite the HUGE mess with her tofu today, she did manage to put some in her mouth by herself. Go Bean!

Imitation of Lala

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Christmas in a Bowl

This delicious treat looked like Christmas to me. Bean loved it. Roasted beets and apples. Egg yolk. Kale. Black beans and rice. Yummy!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Family Pics and CRAWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, Bean Crawled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you Lilia Maven! She has been hard at work figuring out the correct positions and footing for about a month now. And, she has been crawling backwards for awhile now as well. But, yesterday marks her first forward crawls. So cute! I'll try to post some video soon.
Family pic at Johnnys.
Daddy and Beans.
Crawling around. hehehe

Garden Love

Giant 15 feet tall sunflowers!
Lovely little banana peppers

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Water Love

It's no secret that Bean LOVES the water. She loves the pool, the bath, the hose, the faucets. If it's wet, she's there. We give her a bath every night because she loves it so much. (soap every other night to not dry out the precious baby skin). As soon as the water turns on, she lights up and does a booty dance. Then we strip down and slowly head into the bathroom (mostly for drama sake). During this time, there are hundreds of smiles, squeals, kicks, and laughs.

Right before entering the tub
Filling up the backyard pool.
Bela also loves the water, but mostly for drinking.

Funny Faces

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Clogging with the Cane Creek Cloggers

Happy 4th

We attended Carborro's July 4th festivities. Lilia had fun in the toddler play tent.

Water table was soooo fun!
This guy was tall.