Friday, June 11, 2010

I Love Coffee

Sami and I have been trying to sleep train Bean for the last 5 days. This basically means we are trying to night wean her off the boob. At 81/2 months she still wakes up pretty regularly. So Sami has been taking over some of the nigh time parenting so she can discover that the boob is not the only way to fall asleep. The ultimate goal is to one day simply lay her in her crib (in her room) and walk away. Then she will magically and happily just fall asleep. haha So last night, Bean had a slight fever and was up a lot. On the boob a lot. She really only wanted mama. Oh well, that is why I am loving coffee this morning.

Bean loved to stand these days and can even, sometimes, pull up by herself. She is also taking some steps while holding our hands.
Yes, she is so fat that even the back of her knees have folds.

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