Wednesday, June 30, 2010

9 Months Old

Lilia Maven is 9 months today.

Baby Broth

Since Bean started solid food, she has still never had even 1 jar of store bought baby food. This so something I feel very proud of. Since we make her cereals (mixed grains like rice, millet, barley, oats, split peas, lentils, and beans) I decided it would be even better if instead of cooking them in water to use a highly nutritious broth instead. The broth is made with sweet potato, leeks, and asparagus.


Yummy. Fresh fingerling taters pulled up from the garden an hour ago. Think we'll roast them tonight. Sami can hardly wait.

Monday, June 28, 2010

4th Friday

On Friday, we headed to Hillsborough for the art walk with friends. Here is Amelia giving Bean some love.

Happy 40th Edward

We had a little gathering for Edward's 40th b-day. It was a good ol time and great to see all the rugrats at the house. The food was delicious (cook-out) and we decided last minute to set up the bell the blazing heat. Sami was liquid by the time it was up. hehehe
Birthday boy
Kids dancing to the Beatles
Precious babies
Precious mamas

I Love Balloons

Today we are hosting Edward's 40th B-day party!!! While getting ready for the party, we discovered Bean's obsession and true love for balloons.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Babies and Kittens!

This is Beyonce. Lala's roommates 7 week old baby kitten. Bean was beside herself with excitement, squeals, and loving pats for this baby.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy First Dad's Day

Happy Father's Day Babbers! Sami got a full English breakfast in bed, got to sleep in, and a gift certificate to 5th Season for some beer making supplies. Lilia is so thoughtful. She also drew him a card with crayons (not easy for a child her age) After chilling at the house, and a nice long walk, we met some friends for brunch. at Acme.

Bean loved the fountain.
Wait Daddy I want to go back and splash some more.

Veggies A Bloomin'

The garden is in full bloom right now. We will probably get hundreds of zucchini, cucumber, and tomatoes all at once.
This giant tomato plant is one of 8. Canning this summer for sure!
A HUGE caterpillar that ate some tomatoes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lala and Westicles

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Lala and Westicles

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We've Got Babies

The babies have finally hatched. What a miracle. The mama bird flew off when I entered the shed, so I did not want to get too close in case she decided to abandon them. They are soooo small and only have a few sparse fluffy feathers.

Happy 2nd B-Day Amelia!

We celebrated Amelia's b-day with friends at the pool today. It was great to see all the kids enjoying the water. As predicted, Bean couldn't get enough. Lots of screams of delight, splashing, and actual licking of the water. Makes me wish we had a pool.
Birthday girl enjoying her giant cupcake.
This was the sprinkler pool. Many squeals here. (please ignore the half naked lady in the background)

Pancake Day

Since introducing Sami to American pancakes, he has been obsessed with them. Now, I think I make pretty darn good pancakes. (thanks Dad), but I have to admit that his recent experimentations have turned out delicious. It definitely has to do with the recipe and a little talent I suppose. Now, if he can just make them without the kitchen looking like a bomb went off...that would be great.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I Love Coffee

Sami and I have been trying to sleep train Bean for the last 5 days. This basically means we are trying to night wean her off the boob. At 81/2 months she still wakes up pretty regularly. So Sami has been taking over some of the nigh time parenting so she can discover that the boob is not the only way to fall asleep. The ultimate goal is to one day simply lay her in her crib (in her room) and walk away. Then she will magically and happily just fall asleep. haha So last night, Bean had a slight fever and was up a lot. On the boob a lot. She really only wanted mama. Oh well, that is why I am loving coffee this morning.

Bean loved to stand these days and can even, sometimes, pull up by herself. She is also taking some steps while holding our hands.
Yes, she is so fat that even the back of her knees have folds.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Last week the shitake logs fruited and these beauties made a tasty mushroom stroganoff.

Mowing the Lawn

This evening we decided the gardens needed to be watered. Therefore Lilia went ahead and mowed one square foot of the yard. We figure if we just move her around the yard a foot at a time, we have a free lawn service.

A Bird's Eye View

In the potting shed is this lovely little mama bird sitting on her 4 eggs. I can't wait to see the babies! I bet they won't sleep through the night either.