Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Mother's Day

My very first Mother's Day was very special. I can't believe I am on the other side of this holiday now. It is kinda surreal. Thanks to Sami and, of course Lilia, I had a blast. First, i got to sleep in! Then I got pancakes and strawberries and coffee IN BED. I also received a beautiful mama necklace. Then Sami and Lilia went off to the grocery and I got the house to myself for about 2 hours. 2 HOURS! That was monumental. I have really missed that. Then we had some great friends over for a smashing meal. (see below)

One realization about my fist Mother's Day is just how truly amazed and proud I feel to be a mother and how completely thankful I am to my own mother. This last 7 1/2 months of my life has been so hard and so rewarding at the same time. It makes me realize how lucky I am to have such a fantastic, caring, loving, creative, inspiring mama.
Feast. Moroccan carrots and tomato/eggplant bruscetta, rice, beans and greens with pesto, 2 kinds of cornbread, and solar oven sweet potatoes.

My mama necklace from Bean.
It has an L on the circle and her b-day on the rectangle. Love it!

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