Monday, May 31, 2010


Bean has recently learned how to give kisses. She just leans towards you and opens her slobery mouth. I love it! Other new developments include rolling over, crawling backwards, and lots of talking...dadadagaggagamamamma
She love hugs and kisses from Amelia.


The shitake logs recently fruited and I made a lovely mushroom stroganoff. Yum yum

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fairy Princess

It is no surprise that I have turned my precious little Bean into a very girly girl. And I plan on continuing this until she has an opinion of her own. I also love fairies and butterflies, so I had to indulge in these wings for a daughter of a friend of mine. Of course, Bean had to model them first.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Flower Gardens

My parents were here last weekend and really helped improve our sad, weed infested flower beds. The p's are master gardeners and have amazing gardens in Indiana. They showed up with a jungle in tow in their Toyota. We also visited a couple nurseries and purchased several perennials to spruce things up as well. Here are a few shots of 2 of our 4 flower beds. My no means do these pictures do them justice. They look much prettier, brighter, and colorful in real life.
Sun /part shade garden
Shade garden
The hosta in the back was one of a couple giants brought from IN.

Sadly, since the massive planting, several of the shade plants (hostas, coralbells, Salomon's seal, and bee balm) have been munches/leveled by the deer. More on that soon.....

Friday, May 21, 2010


Bean looks frightened. :) Is she already embarrassed of us?

Closet Door

About 2 months ago, Sami and I decided to change out the hall closet doors. They used to be these hideous, hollow sliding doors. We chose to replace them with these glass paneled French doors for a more old school look. My dad started on them in February, but was not able to finish until this recent visit in May. Now, they are finished and we are very pleased. Right now there is some funky fabric behind the panels which can always be changed as we alter our tastes. Or we can frost the glass.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Thanks to Auntie So So, I recently discovered how to send pictures from my phone to my computer. Right after giving birth to Bean, we took some pictures on my phone to send out to family and friends. For some reason, we never got around to taking many pictures on the camera, so I have saved these precious pics on my phone and prayed that my phone would never die. Now, I have them saved forever and will print them too.
Bean about 20 minutes after being born.

Bean and Daddy. (cannot seem to rotate the picture)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Mother's Day

My very first Mother's Day was very special. I can't believe I am on the other side of this holiday now. It is kinda surreal. Thanks to Sami and, of course Lilia, I had a blast. First, i got to sleep in! Then I got pancakes and strawberries and coffee IN BED. I also received a beautiful mama necklace. Then Sami and Lilia went off to the grocery and I got the house to myself for about 2 hours. 2 HOURS! That was monumental. I have really missed that. Then we had some great friends over for a smashing meal. (see below)

One realization about my fist Mother's Day is just how truly amazed and proud I feel to be a mother and how completely thankful I am to my own mother. This last 7 1/2 months of my life has been so hard and so rewarding at the same time. It makes me realize how lucky I am to have such a fantastic, caring, loving, creative, inspiring mama.
Feast. Moroccan carrots and tomato/eggplant bruscetta, rice, beans and greens with pesto, 2 kinds of cornbread, and solar oven sweet potatoes.

My mama necklace from Bean.
It has an L on the circle and her b-day on the rectangle. Love it!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Short But Sweet

We has a quick but great visit with two fabulous friends today. They were visiting from The Big Apple. I hope they move back to NC soon and have babies! Sorry, no pressure, I want everyone to have babies. But, you have to admit, their babies will be extra cute and very stylish.
Bean LOVED Kerbie. I think the feeling was mutual.
Brandon said, "I'm not quite sure how to turn her." cute!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Yum yum. My foot sure tastes good. Are toes on my new foods to eat list? I am pretty sure this is some kinda new yoga position.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hello Beautiful

The gardens are really looking great this year. I am shocked because I was way to fat last summer to do anything productive in the gardens. This year I would love to plant many more things, but a little time sucker is not allowing me to do so. I'll be happy if I can just keep the weeds at bay.

Reggae Party

Yesterday we attended our friends annual Reggae party. Lilia had loads of fun watching her older friends play. We had fun with Liz's special rum Punch!
Mowing the lawn
Host of the party. Lilia loved playing with those blond curls.
The mallets were flying.

Beans is made of butter