Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ode to My Mom

This post is dedicated to my Mom, aka Marmi. She has watched Bean grow through these last few months as much as she possibly can with living 10 hours away. 4 visits to NC and we have traveled to IN twice since her birth. Sami and I call her the baby whisperer. Half of Bean's wardrobe has been provided by her and many books and toys as well. She has been my ear when I need to vent or need advice. She is the best and we love her!!!! We really wish that my p's would move to NC. So, here is a picture show of Marmi and Bean over the last 6 months.
Bean, 6 hours old. Marmi was squealing the whole last half of the drive to Chapel Hill. She had been waiting many years for this day.
Thanksgiving. Bean is almost 2 months
Christmas. Note the red. Marmi knows how much Bean loves the fan.
6 month bday. Last day in IN.

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