Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Even My Grandma Recycles

Bean is now basically a pro at sitting up. She does tend to topple over when reaching for a faraway toy, but she can sit for days if she wants. This T-shirt is from Walters. Very cute indeed.
So, what else is new. (i lost my camera for about a week, so just getting back to blogging) The in-laws have arrived :) and Tommi has left :(. Bean loved Uncle Tommi and flirted with him all day long. It is also very fun to watch her interact with the grandp's. I sadly packed and stored most of her 3-6 month and some 6 month clothes yesterday and unpacked the 9 month clothes. I have to mention that some of those 9 months pants are already too small. Lilia has huge thunderthigs!!! I must make cream instead of milk. She has also just started doing a fake cough. At first, I though she might be chocking on some drool, but no, it is a fake cough. Mostly used to get attention if I walk out of the room. Little stinker. And, the last couple of nights have been less than fun. My guess is...TEETH! Yes, I realize that they must come in, but wow, at this point of sleep deprivation, I wouldn't mind a gummy 5 year old.

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