Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6 Months Old Today

I love this new book!
Putting the ball under the blanket.
Yippie! I missed Mummi and Taidi so much I pooped on Mummi from excitement.
Opening my 6 months B-Day gifts. A fun new soft book and a beach towel.
The paper might just be the best part.

Trip to Indy

This weekend we went to Indianapolis to visit some friends and family. It was a blast and Bean was such an angel the whole time!!! She rolled over for the first time, then proceeded to scream for about 30 seconds in shear terror. hehe It was pretty cute. Sami and I also got in some "going out" time. Friday night with friends and a lunch date on Saturday.
Bean was loving the straw and water
No words
Parmi and Mimi showing Bean pics of herself.
All the ladies on Friday night. Do I look like my mom or what!!!
A girl's day out with Jenny and Amanda. Some quality Bean and girlfriend time at the country club.
i got a new hat!
And new pots and pans

Helping with Laundry

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Bean is in love with the jumparoo. Her onsie is covered in drool.

Weekend Parties

This weekend we attended 2 parties.
Why oh why did I ever spend money on toys when I could just give Bean some tissue paper. She loved this!
Adjoa and Mommy, Shioban. Adjoa turned 2!
On Saturday, we went to the Magrinat's Spring Party. About 18 kids were there.
Charlie Ann loves Bean. Everytime she sees her, she squishes her and tenses with delight. So cute.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The last 2 weeks the weather has been so beautiful. The flowers are blooming, the creek is flowing, and we are itching to garden. Here are a couple of homestead shots....more to come. (camera ran out of battery. It is always something, a?)

Even My Grandma Recycles

Bean is now basically a pro at sitting up. She does tend to topple over when reaching for a faraway toy, but she can sit for days if she wants. This T-shirt is from Walters. Very cute indeed.
So, what else is new. (i lost my camera for about a week, so just getting back to blogging) The in-laws have arrived :) and Tommi has left :(. Bean loved Uncle Tommi and flirted with him all day long. It is also very fun to watch her interact with the grandp's. I sadly packed and stored most of her 3-6 month and some 6 month clothes yesterday and unpacked the 9 month clothes. I have to mention that some of those 9 months pants are already too small. Lilia has huge thunderthigs!!! I must make cream instead of milk. She has also just started doing a fake cough. At first, I though she might be chocking on some drool, but no, it is a fake cough. Mostly used to get attention if I walk out of the room. Little stinker. And, the last couple of nights have been less than fun. My guess is...TEETH! Yes, I realize that they must come in, but wow, at this point of sleep deprivation, I wouldn't mind a gummy 5 year old.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Uncle Tommi!!!!!!!!!!!!

After waiting for 5 long months, Bean finally got to meet Uncle Tommi. And, she is in love. He makes her smile, laugh, and coo. She loves to grab his face and stroke his nose.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More Bean

There was a time when I posted pictures and happenings OTHER than Lilia Maven. But, she is basically all I think about and takes up all of my free time, so there you have it. We do have some cool house projects going on now and I do promise to post about those soon. In the meantime, check out some new Bean pics...again. :)

Extreme closeup.
Is it possible to have baby cellulite? If so, Bean has it!!
New favorite thing..touching toes.
A classic Butler-Grover picture pose. Gotta start em early.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bouncing Bean

Grandparent Visit

So after finally getting my computer back, our modem decides to kick the bucket. But, thankfully, Sami spent a boring 3 hours on the phone to India last night and we are up and running again.
Last weekend, the P's and Mimi came for a very fun visit. Here are some cute pics from that time.
Thumb sucking. Yippie
Marmi and Bean reading
Mimi was very excited to spend some time with Bean.
Future mandolin player. Parmi get ready for lessons!