Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some Christmas Cheer

This was a great Christmas and even though my baby does not yet understand what the holiday is, it was so much fun having her around. She was the center of attention and did pretty well considering the 15 people that stayed at my parents house for 2 days. She banked on presents, thanks ya'll! and managed to steal everyone's hearts with her smiles and coos. I also wanted to mention our survival of the 48 hour trip to Indy. We got stuck in the winter blizzard of 2009 in WV. We had to stay in two hotels and spent a grand total of 26 hours in the car...8 of which was at a dead standstill. Lilia was amazing during that journey and only cried for a total of 10-15 minutes. The journey back was much shorter and a little fussier, but we made it and are glad to be back home.
Family picture: Sami, faux-uncle (aka funkle) Kris, Parmi, Sarah, Lala, me, Marmi and Bean, and Mimi (the proud great-grandmother)
Me and bean escaping the comotion
Knitted gifts from Sarah
Daddy reading Bean The Little Pea
Yippie, Our first night out!!!!

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