Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Placenta Pear and Peach

In the last 3 weeks, we not only had a new addition to the family, but 2 new additions to the garden as well. An Asian Pear Tree and an Elberta Peach Tree. The pear tree is a gift from my parents to Sami for his 31st b-day. It all started when Sami decided to tell my dad he wanted him to plant the placenta under a fruit tree. Sami thought this was hilarious and basically wanted to freak out my dad for fun. When I told him about it, he was pretty grossed out, but then, to my surprise, grew to like the idea. I then found out that my mom was telling all her friends about it as well. I am sure they all think we are freaks, but oh well. I must also say that I wanted nothing to do with saving the placenta. This is an organ I grew in my body and that was enough attachment for me.
This is the peach tree-placenta free.
Placenta Pear...maybe it will grow extra huge fruit due to the special fertilizer

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