Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tea for Two

The grandparents just got Lilia this adorable little antique table and chairs. We can't wait to have tea parties with her and her stuffed animals. Although, we might have to bring our own chairs.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

British Invasion: Meeting the Grandparents...and 4 Weeks Old!

Marjukka (Mummi) and Mike (Taidi) arrived yesterday to meet their darling little grand-bean. We picked them up from the train station in Durham. They came in via D.C. and are here for about 5 weeks. It is so good to finally see them and Lilia has been waiting very patiently to meet some of her favorite people. Also, she is 4 weeks old on this day. Biggest girl! It has already gone so quickly.
Mummi could hardly wait to hold the baby.
Taidi finally got his chance to hold the bean.
Lots of adoration at this point..and a few tears of joy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cutie Pie

So glad it is the weekend because dad can hang out with us! I got some great sleep last night (we all slept in until 9am) and Lilia looks very cute in this way too big dress and leggings.
Two chins
Very tired baby

Friday, October 23, 2009

Visit from Auntie Sarah and Kris

Just had a great visit from Sarah and Kris. Lilia misses you guys already!
Holding our babies.
Aunt Sarah with slightly grouchy baby. She was sad to say goodbye.
Lilia might have been pooping during this shot. We are training her to always poop on Kris.

Costa Rica or Bust

While Sarah was in town, her and Lala were busy trying to map out a plan for their upcoming trip to Costa Rica. They will be heading south around Thanksgiving time. What a great sister trip! I wish I could join them, but have obvious obligations here at home. time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3 Weeks Old...and 1 Day

Lilia Maven is 3 weeks old. It has already gone so fast and she has changed so much.

Triple chin

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Placenta Pear and Peach

In the last 3 weeks, we not only had a new addition to the family, but 2 new additions to the garden as well. An Asian Pear Tree and an Elberta Peach Tree. The pear tree is a gift from my parents to Sami for his 31st b-day. It all started when Sami decided to tell my dad he wanted him to plant the placenta under a fruit tree. Sami thought this was hilarious and basically wanted to freak out my dad for fun. When I told him about it, he was pretty grossed out, but then, to my surprise, grew to like the idea. I then found out that my mom was telling all her friends about it as well. I am sure they all think we are freaks, but oh well. I must also say that I wanted nothing to do with saving the placenta. This is an organ I grew in my body and that was enough attachment for me.
This is the peach tree-placenta free.
Placenta Pear...maybe it will grow extra huge fruit due to the special fertilizer

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fish Chowder

On Saturday night, Kris fixed us a fish chowder from a tautog he speared in Rhode Island. He brought it in a cooler on the plane. It weighed 11 pounds and had some pretty narley large teeth. We now have enough leftover chowder for a whole week!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Daddy and Bean

They both love to sleep.
Dancing to The Beautiful South
"Dip me Dad"
Furrowed brows. We are one.

Trying Out the New Sling

So on our walk today, we decided to give the new Maya Sling a try. Lilia seemed to really love it. She fell asleep almost instantly and it was very comfortable to wear.

Fitting back in my "big girl" jeans. Not bad 16 days post birth.

Squirrl in a Tree

Sarah, Lilia, and I were taking a well-overdo walk when we came across this fellow in a hole in a nearby tree. I cannot believe Sarah actually caught it on film!