Monday, March 2, 2009

East Coast Flurries

I can't believe it has snowed again! I woke up this morning without expecting to look out the window and see what I saw. A fresh thick blanket of beautiful snow! I guess I was too busy this weekend with my head near the toilet to watch the weather channel. I managed to throw on my wellies and a jacket and stomp down to the creek (once most of the snow had melted) to capture a few pictures of our very full creek with a bit of snow in the background. It is lovely. I'm pretty sure the chickens are not loving then snow. They are all perched on the roost and have not set foot on the ground all day. At least they are getting along, thus far. In other weather related news, it is supposed to be near 75 this weekend. What a change! I must admit, although the snow is amazing, I am quite ready for spring to come. Especially since we have bulbs blooming and the cherry tree is fully pink.

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