Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baby Chickens!

The baby chickens have arrived and are settling in to their new surroundings. We have Wini ( the Rhode Island Red). She is named after Kris Winiarski, my sister's boyfriend from RI. Then there is Black Betty (the back one next to Wini). And finally introducing Loretta and Agnus (Aggie). They are the Barred Rock stripey chicks. Henrietta clucked around them for a bit, but then lost interest. We hope to just keep them seperated for a few days, then put them on the roost with Henri. Wish us luck and pray that Henri takes to them.

Bread and Cheese

Well, I am officially in barf mode. I may end up having an alien child since vegetables are about the last thing I want right now. Very strange adjustment for me. But the bread and dairy food groups are being very well covered.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ahseville Weekend

So, I apologize because during our 4 day mini-vacation in Asheville, I did not take one picture! I cannot believe it. Since getting a new camera for xmas, I have been pretty good. Not sure what happened this weekend though. We had a blast and it was nice to get away for a few days. Some highlights: many great meals, fun times walking around downtown and stopping in fun little shops, a nice walk in the NC Aboretum, we saw Lumenescent Orchestrii play (awesome show!), and managed to take a couple afternoon naps. Some lowlights: Unfortunetly I felt pretty sick all weekend. It was not so fun to barf on Vday in a fancy restaurant's bathroom, or have major vertigo and almost passing out on our hike. Let's just say that my gag-reflex was in full swing this weekend. On a happier note, the baby is now the size of a blueberry! We have our Birth Center Tour tomorrow, so I will report on that. I also really hope to get some house pics up this weekend.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Chllin' in Durham

So, since Sarah is visiting, we all decided to go for a fancy meal at Piedmont and then ventured to Pinhook for a cocktail afterwards. I'm glad I like cranberry and soda.

Barf Bag

Well, the dreaded "morning sickness" has arrived. I kind of thought I might be able to escape it, but alas, that is not the case. Yesterday proved to be a true test for my willpower. Dry heaving 10 times in the morning was not fun for sure, but luckily, I managed to get it together for work. I can only hope that it lasts just a short while. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bela and the Bear

So, this little organic stuffed teddy is our first baby gift. Just got it in the mail (thanks Marmi and Parmi). Bela seems to love it and has taken it over. After cuddling for a bit, he then proceeded to attack it violently. Hmmmmm He will have to learn his new place in the family I suppose. He may not be the baby for long.