Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sisters on Vacation

So we are finally here in Wilmington, the move is over (holy craziness), and the unknown begins. 

Lilia was sick last night and it continued on today.  Lots of crying and one feverish wheezy kid.  During the very long (due to many stops on a 2.5 hour drive) drive here we really had to try very hard to help her cope with feeling so bad.  At one point she said, "Mama I just poop pooed".  Yes, in her undies, in her carseat.  Nothing like a change on the side of an off-ramp to make it all real folks.  Anyway, we arrived and she went down for a nap and upon waking cried off and on for an hour while we sat through 2 Fresh Beat Band shows on TV ( that made me want to cry) Then she was much better!  Thank goodness. 
The rental is nice, but it is in the ghetto.  Waaa!  Not quite the downtown experience we pictured and will not be walking anywhere at night, but what can you do, right.
We are here, the move is over, and the unknown begins.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More Pictures

Easter Eggs!

Lilis and Miss Mae watching TV

Lilia's new face- The Scowl

New swimsuits! Since we will be living at the beach for 2 1/2 weeks these were much needed. She spent an hour trying one on then the other, then back to the first, etc...etc...

Maple View with Lala

Twins. Love our new Saltwater Sandels

Finally Posted Some Pictures

Yes yes it has been a month. Busy packing, moving, house hunting, raising babes, etc.

Running at the park


Blankie love. this is very typical for each nap.

On Lilia's half birthday, we rode the bus down Franklin Street to get cupcakes at 10am. It was one of my most favorite family outings to date.

At the Haw River

Tummy Time

At the Life and Science Museum with Emmett and Molly

Lala over for brunch