Thursday, November 10, 2011


I found a great new blog that provides tons of ideas for toddlers. I cut up a bunch of cheap colorful sponges and Bean had fun building with them. Here she made a fence for some friends to have a tea party in. hehe

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lilia's New Room

I realized I never posted any pics of Lilia's new upstairs bedroom. It has been finished for awhile and the nursery has been revamped for baby's arrival. Until that happens (and probably afterward) Lilia will kinda have 2 rooms. We will wait until she is ready to sleep up here-until then the crib is still her bed. She loves playing, getting dressed, and making huge messes in this room though.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

37 Weeks Ya'll

This is the home stretch. I am considered full term and can now deliver at the Birth Center. I feel ready, but I think some cool due dates might be 11/11/11 or 11/20/11. :) We shall see.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year we tried out trick or treating. Bean was a bumble bee. Sami was a beekeeper and I was a jack-0-lantern. For some reason I have no pics of Sami and i, but here are a couple of the kiddos.
Very serious

A bit shell shocked hanging with the older kids. hehe


My sisters and mama threw me a little blessingway for baby #2. It was perfect. Low key, special, relaxing, and empowering.
Henna on the belly
The grandmamas

Some Recent Happenings

A warm fall day at the park.

Some serious reading during potty time.