Friday, May 13, 2011

More Barn Updates

The barn is basically built and painted on the inside. We still have lots of decorating to do...a rug, futon, curtains, plant stand, art, clock, coat rack, and some shelves, but we are getting there.
The wall opposite Sami's desk

Sami's very messy desk. We need a few more organizational tools and need to get the wires and printer in order.
Still need to paint the exterior

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Barn Updates

The barn has been finished for awhile now ( well almost finished), but I am just getting around to posting pictures. We still have lots to do inside decorating wise. I would like to put in curtains, a rug, we need a futon, a clock, maybe a coat rack, install shelves, put up some art, and a plant stand.
This is the wall opposite Sami's desk

Sami's very messy desk. Just got the router working, so we still need to get the printer up and running and organize a bit.
Still need to paint the outside trash storage (left) red and paint the window on the side white.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Strawberry Pickin'

Yesterday we went to an organic, bio-dynamic strawberry farm to get our summer bounty. Bean had a blast, but more berries ended up in her belly than in her basket. We got 3 different varieties and plan on eating some now, freezing some for smoothies, making jam, and making some ice cream. Yum Yum

Jess helping Bean pick
Very serious about berry eating

Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby Bath and Cookies

I got Bean a little baby bath for $4.oo yesterday. She played with it for hours!

Then we made and decorated cookies. Well, I did the work and Bean mostly sampled the goodies.