Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hot Days


A few days ago, it was about 90 degrees and I was feeling really sick. We decided to slap on her new bathing suit (love it!) and I bust out the pool. Unfortunately, the pool had a hole in it. Instead, I just sprayed Bean with a hose for 1.5 hours. She loved it. Guess I need to get this kid a sprinkler.

Dress Up

Bean has been very into playing dress up lately. As I was putting new sheets on the bes, she decided to empty my tank top drawer and put ALL of them on. Hilarious!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Holy Giant Belly

So, it is true what they say about really showing early with the second kid. I am clearly having quadruplets.
This is 11weeks with Lilia.
This is 10 weeks with new baby.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Museum of Life and Science

On Monday, we went to the museum with Lala. Bean and La had a blast running around the music grid. Here is a little video. The laughing and screaming babe would be ours.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Shakori 2011

Yesterday we went to Shakori Hills Festival for the day. It was super muddy from the rain on Friday. Lilia had a blast playing in the mud and dirt.

This is her new best bud Lola. They were mirroring each others movements.

Lilia is kissing the tree.
Paperhand Puppet Parade. Lots of oooos from Bean

The sand pile

Farmers Market

Loving the strawberries

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Cedar Planters

We have 5 new 3 foot cedar planters on the deck. They are filled with trailing annuals and herbs. We also had a faucet installed on the porch so we can set up an automatic watering system for the plants.

High Tea with Bunnies

Monday, April 11, 2011


Bean got some new undies today. hehehe She is so interested in the potty, we thought what the heck?

Annie's ew Diggs

Marjukka knitted Annie some lovely new clothes. Bean loves to put them on and off.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Asheville Trip

We were in Asheville this past weekend with Tommi and the parents. it was a blast. Per usual, I did not take too many pictures, but here are a few.
We took Bean to French Broad Park. She loved walking in the wildflower meadow.

Yes, we took Annie's stroller and yes, we let her push it on the sidewalk downtown. Many swoons were heard.
The druggie park downtown. Bean was a fan of the pigeons...clearly we are not related.
Uncle Brother reading Bean one of her current favorites-Brown Bear.