Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mummi and Taidi Are Here

Mummi and Taidi are here in the states for a visit. (I am just getting around to posting) They have been busy setting up their condo and enjoying time with Bean.

Updated Doorknobs and Deadbolts

Along with all of our many recent house updates are some new brushed nickle doorknobs. They look great with the gray walls.
New purdy shiny knobs
Old brass knobs

Gray Walls Finished!

We love the new wall color. After months of gray swatches our final decision turned out great.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We celebrated Lala's 26th (on her actual bday) and Sarah's neerdy thirty this weekend. Fun times.

Maple View

A little trip to Maple View Farms on a sunny day. Cows, rocking chairs, and Bean's first chocolate ice cream. Let's just say she was a fan.

New Sandbox

My parents came to visit this past weekend and helped build a sandbox for Bean. She was timid at first, but is now a pro sand thrower.

Monday, March 14, 2011


The solar tubes have been installed upstairs. They really make a huge difference by bringing some natural light into these previously dungeon-like rooms.
Middle room tube
Light coming from the bathroom
Bathroom tube

Day at the Park

Sunday was almost 80 degrees. Lala joined us at the park.

Little Bean

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Here is a semi close up of Bean's latest black eye. Poor baby! Cheek meets tree root. Luckily she is still precious as ever.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Barn Updates

Tiled wall for the wood stove

New step

Beauty Queen

Lilia took Mummi's rollers this morning to do up her hair and her baby's hair.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Rocker

It was a beautiful 80 degrees here in NC today. Bean sported her little rock n' roll dress with the cutout back. ehhehehe

Barn...Almost Done

We are getting closer to a finished barn.
Floor has been started
Open spaces have been sealed
DSL moved from upstairs to our downstairs hall closet. It will be nice to have it tucked away and out of sight.