Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Random Pics

Loving the swings
Family pic
Clevedon friends at the Royal Oak
Lunch at Lido (a sweet little restaurant overlooking a gorgeous swimming pool.
Bean has some major tongue action these days

Walking Caught on Tape

Explore @ Bristol

On Monday, we visited @Bristol, a children's discovery museum. Bean maybe was a bit too young, but still enjoyed the outing.
Waterfalls in the city center
Archaeological dig for dinosaurs

A giant water drill

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Lilia started walking about 2 days before we left. Luckily, she slept on the flight and we were spared walking with the baby up and down the aisle. She like to walk small distances for now, but will walk across the room if she wants. She is also obsessed with pushing her stroller.

The Bristol Zoo

On Friday, we ventured to the Bristol Zoo. This was Bean's first trip to a zoo and it had been years since I had been as well. I guess having a kid gives you a good excuse to do things you normally would not do.
Doesn't she look like such a little girl.

Ahhh England

I love this view. This is at the top of Dial Hill Road looking out at the sea.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


These two crazy kids truly love each other.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Potty Training

My mom recently told me that my 2 sisters and I were potty trained at 18 months. That is amazing! I would love if Bean could be diaper free in 1/2 a year. So I figured I had better get a potty so she can get used to the idea, sit on the potty, and start talking pee and poo. However, right now she thinks it is another push toy.


Yes, I cut bangs. I wanted to spice it up a bit before heading to the other side of the pond. At first, I freaked. I felt like an 80's aerobics instructor, "let's get physical, physical", but now I have settled into the new look.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Umbrella Stroller

After a little research on traveling regulations abroad, we decided to ditch the idea of taking BOB (our giant jogging stroller) to England with us. So, enter the newest addition to the never ending pile of baby gear (crap) The Macleran Triumph. It is an 11lb, easy to fold, duel recline, raincover included, espresso stroller. A easy smaller stroller like this has been on "the list" for awhile now. Also, it may come in handy for kid #2 (don't get any ideas yet folks) We love BOB for walks in the gravel neighborhood, trails, and jogging, however a smaller stroller will be nice for shopping and in-town ventures...and traveling abroad of course. When Bean woke up from her nap today, she immediately became obsessed with the stroller and I had to push her around in it for 30 minutes in the house before she would let me take her out. Guess she approves.
This is her face when I attempted to remove her.
Side view
Back view

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pepper Festival in Pittsboro

Last night we attended the Pepper Festival. A celebration involving all things pepper related. Most of the peppers were grown by Farmer Doug at the Biodiesel farm. Habinaro beer, loads of pepper foods, and the Holy Ghost Tent Revival. Fun times. Also, check out Lilia's public dance routine below.
Pepper tasting.

Waiting for the music to start.

Dancing at Pepper Festival

She's got the moves. This is only a fraction of the dancing Bean did last night. She had the audience cracking up.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Babbers!!

Are we really this old? 32 already. Sami is getting a chainsaw for his bday. Please pray for us. I got him metal pants and safety instructions. I am scared.
Lilia got her daddy chocolate and immediately stole it up the stairs.