Thursday, September 30, 2010


Thanks to all the amazing rain we have had lately, the creek is flowing and a turbulent speed. I wish it was always this full. We took Bean down to check out her love, water, and the first thing she said was, "Whoa". Very sweet and appropriate.

One Year Old Today!!!!!!

So my precious little bean was born today at 2:41 pm. I can hardly believe that it has been a year already. So many changes and accomplishes she has made (her parents too). She is starting to act like a toddler more and more. I am not feeling sad like I thought I might, but instead very proud of my family for making it through one year. I am also so excited for her next year and the many changes ahead.
Looking very serious as always. I promise this child does laugh and smile very often, but it is hard to catch on camera since my POS Cannon has a giant red flashing baby distracting light.
Yes, my baby is wearing toddler jeans. hehe

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wedding 3 of the Season

Last weekend we headed to Durham for a friends wedding. The bride told us we were the coolest people there. hahahahahahahahhahahahah

One Flush or Two

Sami managed to do something handy and green to improve the house. He installed (after 2 weeks of it sitting in a box in the house) a duel flusher for one of our toilets. The oprions are half flush or full flush. So far, all has gone down smoothly.

Lemony Lady

Bean is so similar to Sami that I was thrilled when Marmi helped to discover her love for lemons. She takes after my heart with this delight.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lilia's Birthday Party

On Sunday, we hosted Bean's 1st bday party. It was a blast. About 30 special people came to help celebrate her 1st year of life. Here are a few highlights.

We had a photo booth with some fun hats and fake mustaches. Hilarious

Bean's ATW (All Terrain Wagon) Radioflyer

Yes, she wore a tutu and a bday onsie
First taste of sugar. Good girl.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lilia Maven's First Year

I wanted to document Lilia's first year, so I have created this picture montage to remind myself and friends how precious this first year has been.

Looking Awesome

Yes, my friends, Bean is rocking a pair of skinny jeans and hot pink ankle boots. There are no words for the cuteness.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sneaky Sauce

This tomato sauce is full of veggies and chickpeas for loads of vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Harley

One of our friends is about to have a baby and during a nesting rampage decided to rid her home of some of her 3 year old's outgrown toys. Lilia is in love with them. She inherited this push toy, which we call her Harley, a slide and a tugboat, which we call her pirate ship.

Flowers taste gross!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last Day at OCHD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have waited for this day for a year and am thrilled that it has finally arrived. A huge weight has been lifted. Bye bye "the man", hello work-at-home-mama.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crankin' the Volume

Curious Bean

Lilia was getting into everything this morning. This is her drawer filled with spoons, bowls, cups, and bibs. She is allowed to play in this drawer.

She is stirring her soup.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our New Friday Nights

Dinner at Panzanella. Bean is the star of the restaurant
Yummy scallops and risotto. This pic will not post the right way.
Steven always gives Bean the dinosaur. She loves it!


I have been crap at poting the last 2 months. I will try harder. Here are some Bean shots.
If she could do this all day she would. Wish we had a runway so she could walk for miles.

I hate my shoes Mama!